Copyright ©2025 Asset Ibérica Underwriting S.L.
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Asset Ibérica Underwriting S.L. | Registered office: Carrer de Mallorca, 272, 2n 3a, L'Eixample, 08037 Barcelona, Spain
None of the information, whether in part or full, should be copied, reproduced or redistributed in any form nor should it be regarded as an offer or a solicitation of an offer for investment. You should satisfy yourself, with your financial advisor, that the products and services offered are suitable for you and that you are not prevented from accessing such services or products by restrictions placed on you by the relevant fiscal authorities in your normal place of residence nor that it is unlawful for you to participate in such products or services as may be stipulated within the laws of the country, state or jurisdiction where you may either be a citizen or normally reside.
You should bear in mind that the value & prices of investments can go down as well as up, and you may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Currency fluctuations will affect the value of overseas investments. Emerging Markets can be more risky than developed markets. Current tax levels and reliefs may vary and will depend on your personal circumstances.